Title – Mischievous Crow
System – Nintendo Family BASIC
Author – AOBA
Publication – Micom Basic (マイコンBASIC) March 1985
Page Scans – 1 2
Preserved by – ozidual
Recommended Emulator – VirtualNES
Loading the Game –
Either load the included NES ROM
1. Run Family Basic v3
2. Type LOAD and hit enter
3. Choose Edit – ExtDevice – Tape – Play(P)
4. Choose Mischievous Crow (AOBA).wav and let it load
5. Once loaded, type: LOADS and hit enter
6. Choose Mischievous Crow BG (AOBA).wav and let it load
7. Once loaded, type: RUN and hit enter to start the game
Game Instructions –
Left and right on the D-Pad turns your crow left or right. You’re always moving so there is no acceleration adjustment.
Control a crow flying in the clouds and you “bomb” other crows to get rid of them. Clear all the birds on a level and you get to the next level with birds+1. A drops bombs.
You can crash it if you bomb off the screen, but I’m 99% sure that’s the original code. If I did a translation, I would change the title in the upper left to be M. CROW.
thanks tested