Title – Dangerous PENPEN
System – Nintendo Family BASIC
Author – Tomokazu Taniyama (谷山 智一)
Publication – Micom Basic (マイコンBASIC) February 1985
Page Scans – 1
Preserved by – ozidual
Recommended Emulator – VirtualNES
Loading the Game –
Either load the included NES ROM
1. Run Family Basic v3
2. Type LOAD and hit enter
3. Choose Edit – ExtDevice – Tape – Play(P)
4. Choose Dangerous PENPEN (Tomokazu Taniyama).wav and let it load
5. Once loaded, type: LOADS and hit enter
6. Choose Dangerous PENPEN BG (Tomokazu Taniyama).wav and let it load
7. Once loaded, type: RUN and hit enter to start the game
Game Instructions –
Move side to side with the D-Pad.
You control a Penguin trying to stop a UFO from dropping bombs on you and your friends. Bombs drop from the sky and you have to stand under them to catch them. If you miss them, the fire gets closer to Pauline. Miss too many and you lose.
thanks tested