Title – MELHEN
System – Hitachi BASIC Master Level 3 Mark 5/S1
Author – Maison Ikkoku
Publication – Micom Basic (マイコンBASIC) December 1984
Page Scans – 1
Preserved by – TWE
Recommended Emulator – bml3mk5 (Basic Master L3 Mark 5) / mbs1 (Hitachi S1) Included BIOS Files
Loading the Game –
If playing this on an S1 computer, make sure you’re booting into B Mode.
– on mbs1, go to Options->Configure, then select B Mode (L3) under Mode->System Mode, then select OK and press Alt-F3 twice.
Load either the .wav or .l3 file onto the emulator;
Type LOAD “MELHEN” and press Enter;
After the game loads, type RUN then press Enter.
Game Instructions –
In this game, you control a red crab and try to eat as many glossy dove shells as possible.
To move the crab, use the left and right cursor buttons; to eat a shell, press the down cursor key.
Also, this specific crab cannot swim, so if a wave catches it, it drowns.